
How to get to and from Manchester Airport from Newcastle-upon-Tyne


Manchester Airport to Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Whether you’re travelling via coach, car or train, it’s easy to bridge the 160 mile gap between Manchester Airport and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.


By Train

Train journeys between Manchester Airport and Newcastle-upon-Tyne are quick and easy. With direct services operating daily, you can expect to make the trip in less than 3 hours while giving you the opportunity to enjoy the countryside of the North East.

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By Coach

There are several daily coach services to and from Manchester Airport and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, making it a great choice for travellers. The fastest route takes around 4 hours 15 minutes so make sure to give yourself plenty of time.

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By Car

By taking the A1 or A19 via Leeds, you can drive between Manchester Airport and Newcastle-upon-Tyne easily. The journey takes around 2 hours 45 minutes, depending on traffic, and there’s the option to hire a car from Manchester Airport if you need to. As it is a long journey, with the possibility of congestion around Leeds and Manchester, you may want to consider booking a hotel room before your flight.

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Useful links

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Flight information

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Airport hotel image

Manchester Airport Hotels

Wake up just minutes from the airport terminals in a comfortable airport hotel